We make sure that your product is printed to specification and of excellent quality. However, printing is not a perfect science and in the rare occurrence that you receive a defective product, we require an immediate notification (within 24hrs) for prompt investigate and possible reprint.

What you should do within 24hours:

  • Call our Helpdesk on: +234 7030 628 811
  • Or Email us at: support@methodprint.com.ng
  • Our helpdesk will take the details of your defected product; this may require that you provide photo proof of the product as you may have received them.
  • Then, we will assign an Investigation Number for prompt investigation and possible reprint. However, if our investigation proofs that the defection is not our fault, you will be solely response for a reprint payment.
  • We reserve the right of 100% return of the defected product prior to reproduction to satisfactory level.

Need help?

Contact us at info@infomethodprint.com.ng for questions related to refunds and returns.